Instrument Rental Agreement

Dear Students and Parents,

In order for the Hall County Board of Education to continue to provide school instruments for a growing school system and growing band program, we continue to ask those who benefit to pay a rental/maintenance fee. The fee is $100 a year.

Thank you for understanding the necessity of a yearly rental/maintenance fee. All of these funds go directly toward the purchase of new instruments and the upkeep of the current inventory. We continue to appreciate your participation in the Hall County band program and trust it will be a beneficial experience for your child.

Please complete the Instrumental Rental Agreement below.

Miguel Guisasola


As parents and students, we agree to be responsible for the instrument listed above and will maintain it in proper playing condition. We agree to pay for any loss or damage that may occur while in our care. We also agree to pay a rental/maintenance fee of $100 a year for the use of the instrument.

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